Imran says, "Highly reccomend this team. Came in with some caution but was greeted by a wonderfull family. They make sure to take care of you well. It's guided by a Shaaman who knows the arts of spiritual healing and works in those traditions." See more
Anonymous says, "I have done an online psilocybin session with Siddiq and this was a major experience for me. I would recommend an online session for those who already have an idea of what a psilocybin journey might be about." See more
Cristina says, "The retreat was very well organised, the Taita was super professional and from direct lineage. There were many spaceholders facilitating help and integration, making the space really safe and energetically well managed." See more
Karl says, "This experience has changed my life. It allows you to go to places in your mind that have locked away pain that is still bleeding into you. Then you can address place and stop the bleeding." See more
Timur says, "You will meet amazing people whom you can fully trust. They will support you through your journey, be it ecstatic or tough. They all had their unique life trajectories, with ups and downs, hard times, vulnerabilities and traumas." See more
Matthew says, "I found the BLIXX retreat to be far beyond expectations. The intensely intimate (in so many ways) and highly embodied nature of the retreat made us drop the armor and be present and vulnerable from the first few hours." See more
Mohmoud says, "Firstly, the location was amazing. It’s on a private land in a mountainous region. You’re surrounded by nature and animals. No sound, air or noise pollution." See more