Odette says, "The Podcast from Hear was an audio storytelling program at Hollyhock. How much honesty and strength a circle of women can have, multiplied by the setting. We shared and grew, our group of diverse identities and experiences." See more
Anonymous says, "Beautiful and Amazing environment for healing❤️" See more
Julian says, "The Haven is beautifully set on the waterfront on Gabriola Island. I wasn't sure what to expect at this workshop. I was hoping I would find more confidence in using my voice as I have been confident in speaking in public but deathly afraid of singing in public! What I found was a very safe space to explore making all kinds of sound from humming and babble to overtone chanting and yes." See more
Natasha says, "My ten-year-old just loved this program and can't wait to go to the next one! Program leaders are outstanding!" See more
Gina says, "My experience of Stephanie is that she is a compassionate and deep listener who asks skillful questions to gently nudge and deepen a person's understanding of themselves." See more
Valeria says, "It was a great opportunity to complete Level IV online. The zoom format worked perfectly and although we were not physically together, it still gave us a sense of being in community." See more