Douglas says, "Adriana and Alfonso are beautiful people with a warm, loving energy that makes you feel at home and safe. The hosts of the eco lodge were very welcoming and Gabriel was an excellent guide during my stay." See more
Enrico says, "it was mystical, a serious approach and an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life." See more
Anonymous says, "This experience was done perfectly, with grace, care and professionalism. I was made to feel comfortable, at peace and cared for throughout the process, from initially booking and whats app conversation, to pick up, to ceremony to closing and integration." See more
Alessandra says, "I am so very grateful for the work that Aurora, Carolina ( she worked so and to find is the best Ceremony for us ) and her dedicated team for the important role they have played in my journey of self discovery." See more
Tiffany says, "I did a 5-day psilocybin retreat in Tulum with Tara at the end of June. It was the most amazing experience, all that I had hoped for and more. What Tara and the medicine helped me see is absolutely life-changing." See more
Alex says, "Excellent experience with Priyananda and Kala" See more