Claire says, "A wonderful experience. The staff is courteous, gracious, and hard-working. The garden is delicious. There is one person who volunteers at the Centre and she was rude to me." See more
Louise says, "Great Journey to the very centre of myself. I love all the Haven programs and this one was amazing, too." See more
Anonymous says, "This retreat was the first time that I was able to truly calm the racing thoughts in my mind and connect to my body as a source of support and healing. I had no idea that there were so many different ways to breathe and how important it was for mental health." See more
Lindsay says, "A lovely series of sharing haiku, with interesting insights re contemplative writing from John, through the dark of Winter. The retreat was also very well run and prepared by Dan." See more
Natasha says, "My ten-year-old just loved this program and can't wait to go to the next one! Program leaders are outstanding!" See more