ADAM says, "This was my 1st retreat and I have to say I was a little apprehensive about plant medicine, my mind and thoughts were put at ease with friendly helpful staff answering any questions I had such as safety and side effects of using plant medicines." See more
Sergio says, "A truly transformative experience, a beautiful space, filled with love, insight and skill. Everything exceeded my expectations, the quality of the journey, the food, the facilitators." See more
Anonymous says, " Pre communication with Siddiq and Elena was really helpful and friendly and they were able to answer all questions I had. Elena was a great guide intuitive as to what my needs were, when to come close, when to withdraw and leave me to my journey." See more
Sasza says, "I was completely shocked over how well this was made. The professionalism of all the crew, their knowledge about Ayahuasca and how to prepare and fullfil ceremonies in the best possible way, the location and the house we lived in." See more
Anonymous says, "Že dolgo sem opažala, da moje travme vrejo na površje. Nesigurnost, zmedenost in nesposobnost soočanja z lastnimi težavami so bili poglaviten vzrok, da sem se po dolgoletni želji opogumila in prijavila na 5 dnevni Ayahuasca retreat." See more
Anonymous says, "I would like to share my experience of a one-day retreat with Jana which took place around one month ago. Jana met me at a convenient location and drove me to the retreat premises." See more
anne-maree says, "We felt so welcomed here and more like friends than strangers. The landscape of the farm is dramatic and beautiful. The food served by Anton was absolutely delicious and the accommodation simple, comfortable and atmospheric." See more
Shakeel says, "I had the most wonderful time and I will be returning. I have done many remarkable and exhilarating things in my life but I have never felt this amount of vitality, peace and understanding in myself." See more
Stefan says, "that’s the word i have been using the most when describing the experience to my friends. danilo’s and ilse’s intelligent approach is spiritual and therapeutic, serious and playful - perfectly adapted to our “european” culture." See more
Anonymous says, "Attending this retreat was a profoundly transformative experience. The facilitators Marijn and Femke created a safe, nurturing, and beautifully held space that allowed for deep self-reflection and growth." See more