Anonymous says, "It was my first Kambo and though we did not have a lot of time, Martin has been highly flexible with the design of our session. The application went as it was supposed and I felt he knew what he is doing so I could give myself into the process and benefitted a lot from it." See more
Linda says, "The facilitators as well as the participants were all very kind and openminded people, we had good conversations and they prepared delicious food. The location is gorgeous and perfect for such a retreat." See more
Carl says, "I can’t thank Johnny and Geraldine enough for the space that they held during this retreat, which is nothing short of amazing. Such loving, calming and positive energy that emanates from them made me feel very comfortable as if I knew them for years." See more
Anonymous says, "Že dolgo sem opažala, da moje travme vrejo na površje. Nesigurnost, zmedenost in nesposobnost soočanja z lastnimi težavami so bili poglaviten vzrok, da sem se po dolgoletni želji opogumila in prijavila na 5 dnevni Ayahuasca retreat." See more