ADAM says, "This was my 1st retreat and I have to say I was a little apprehensive about plant medicine, my mind and thoughts were put at ease with friendly helpful staff answering any questions I had such as safety and side effects of using plant medicines." See more
Toni says, "My experience at this retreat has been profoundly intense and eye-opening. It was an emotional journey that led me to explore parts of myself I didn’t even realize needed healing, allowing me to see with newfound clarity and perspective." See more
Gerrit says, "The people around Sanson have created an impressive utopia in the Mezquita: a place of harmony, of the senses, of encounters, of celebrations and of silence, where everyone is treated with interest and respect regardless of their origins and past." See more
Anonymous says, "Woulter and Aleece were fantastic- professional, knowledgeable, kind, thoughtful, lovely people that we trusted from the outset. We were recommended them by a friend and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to anyone seeking a psychedelic experience." See more
Sergio says, "A truly transformative experience, a beautiful space, filled with love, insight and skill. Everything exceeded my expectations, the quality of the journey, the food, the facilitators." See more
Anonymous says, "I just wanted to say thank you so much for such an amazing experience. Malwina was an awesome facilitator. She was there as a great support guiding the process and at the same time allowing one space when you needed it." See more
Sasza says, "I was completely shocked over how well this was made. The professionalism of all the crew, their knowledge about Ayahuasca and how to prepare and fullfil ceremonies in the best possible way, the location and the house we lived in." See more
Anonymous says, "I am happy that I visited the retreat. All my doubts I had before was an illusion. Thanks you Marc, Vera, Alex Miguel and Michelle. I feel like a new born human." See more
Anonymous says, "Že dolgo sem opažala, da moje travme vrejo na površje. Nesigurnost, zmedenost in nesposobnost soočanja z lastnimi težavami so bili poglaviten vzrok, da sem se po dolgoletni želji opogumila in prijavila na 5 dnevni Ayahuasca retreat." See more
James says, "Great expierence, warming people, good food, saftey is on point, clean facilities. Highly recommended." See more