Vanessa says, "I just got done with my second retreat with Bernice and I will never go anywhere else! This is so powerful, truly life changing. The facilitators are so caring and loving." See more
Anonymous says, "My stay with Arkana in the Amazon was one of the most beautiful experiences of my entire life. I felt very safe and held throughout the week I was there, and was able to do some profoundly deep work because of this." See more
Enrico says, "it was mystical, a serious approach and an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life." See more
michael says, "As a veteran with ptsd and losing my son to an opiate overdose a few years ago, I was lost. I had tried everything but I found out about these retreats from some of my fellow veterans that had used psylocybin." See more
Javier says, "I am very appreciative of the guidance and encouragement I've received from all of these lovely facilitators, I could not imagine a better team. I count it as a great blessing to have had several opportunities to benefit from their insight, wisdom and nurturing energy, and each time is stronger than the last." See more