Kevin says, "Amazing, on all levels. John is an exceptional educator who wears his passion for fungi and local community on his sleeve. Add in his great sense of humor and you have yourself a inspiring weekend." See more
Cheryl says, "This was a great retreat. The facilities were above all expectations, the hostesses were very kind, and the impact of the retreat Rites were beyond intense. I will return if offered again." See more
Andy says, "It was a beautiful experience! Sure there are opportunities to grow, but I´ll go back tomorrow without a doubt. The retreat and my time at the ashram was soul and body nourishing! I did the Yoga Nidra Training." See more
Thomas says, "So I showed up for a very wet Wild Church on Wed. April 3-- and it was great! What sweet, caring people! What a nice, thoughtful, short & compelling worship service- also wet! What a nice, simple - but yummy- covered dish supper, to boot! And what a nice, warm and dry night's stay afterwards at an extremely affordable price! The best simple evening I've had in a long time." See more