Alessandra says, "I am so very grateful for the work that Aurora, Carolina ( she worked so and to find is the best Ceremony for us ) and her dedicated team for the important role they have played in my journey of self discovery." See more
Simarpreet says, "I had been on the journey towards self realization for 1.5 year and i did get signs time to time but ignored them as coincidences. Ayahuasca came into my life on its own and it was synchronicity I met two lovely souls gabriele and augustina during this journey." See more
Anonymous says, "This location is amazing. The thought and care put into this program by the owners and facilitators are top notch. Connection with the land, the food and its caretakers was just what I needed to refind my center." See more
Enrico says, "it was mystical, a serious approach and an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life." See more
Michelle says, "I feel that this was the best retreat for me for what I was seeking. I wanted to feel connected, seen, heard, and loved. I was looking for healing with a nurturing, strong, loving group of guides." See more