Natalie says, " Hollyhock's virtual Activate Summit was a much needed breathe of fresh air. The program gave me the chance to harvest and claim the long-forgotten power I have within, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded leaders to emerge - as an individual and as part of a community - able to shape the future, inwards out." See more
Julian says, "The Haven is beautifully set on the waterfront on Gabriola Island. I wasn't sure what to expect at this workshop. I was hoping I would find more confidence in using my voice as I have been confident in speaking in public but deathly afraid of singing in public! What I found was a very safe space to explore making all kinds of sound from humming and babble to overtone chanting and yes." See more
Sarah says, "A beautiful winter weekend. The hearth, the kitchen was so abundant with Maria making clean, delicious dishes. Esther turned all that good energy into awareness with the full schedule of breath work and yoga." See more
Natasha says, "My ten-year-old just loved this program and can't wait to go to the next one! Program leaders are outstanding!" See more
Maureen says, "I came questioning and definitely hesitant. I left awake and aware, "I can do hard things. I am strong. I can trust my body and my inner wisdom. Priceless!! " See more