Jillian says, "This retreat was truly incredible. I left feeling like a new person. All of the staff and participants were lovely, open, supportive, and kind. La Casa de Loto is a magical place and I really didn’t want to leave." See more
Michael says, "Guacamayo retreat center is exceptional. The staff is professional and friendly with a truly vested interest in the guests and it shows in the way they interact and perform their respective duties." See more
Max says, "I totally loved the retreat. Everything was great: • the team of Sam Believ: excellent space holding and a lot of sharings • shaman (Taita): very experienced and great presence • Nice healing music by Cesár (live guitar and singing) • Location: in the middle of nature with stunning views over the surrounding mountains, totally quiet and no neighbors at sight • food: basic and healthy • other participants: warm, open-minded I did a 5-day retreat and I think a key success factor for me was the long duration." See more