Janne says, ""Angel" has become my guardian mother on earth and my friend for life, and this trip is one of the best adventures of my life. I have learned so much about myself and shared so much wonderful and magical time with the beautiful group of lovely people and all the other local people who have been involved in our journey." See more
Brad says, "My time at Arkana Spiritual Retreat in the Sacred Valley was truly transformative. The ayahuasca ceremonies were beautifully and safely guided, offering profound moments of clarity, healing, and connection that felt deeply personal and life-changing." See more
Mallie says, "One of the first things that attracted me to Samadi Healing, and Shaman Samer Mouawad, is that he is accessible online for consultations. I was able to speak with him many times before the retreat, and this allowed me to share my struggles, understand his approach, and get to know Samer as a person." See more
Jordan says, "My experience at this retreat was other worldly. It was everything I expected and more. Stephano (the shaman of the program) is one of the most knowledgeable and whole hearted people I have ever run it." See more
Ashly says, "This was the first retreat I have ever attended (never the less alone), I definitely dove way out of my comfort zone. However when I arrived, I instantly formed deep connections with all who were attending along with the gracious hosts’ Frankie, Frank & David." See more