Nurture your pregnancy journey with gentle movement, deep breathing, and a supportive community of mothers-to-be
Julian says, "The Maestros of Espiral Medicine Retreats have been by my side as I have traversed my healing journey from the depths of despair to the state of joy, spiritual abundance, confidence and self love that is my moment to moment experience today." See more
Shanna says, " Gaia sagrada saved my life. A mother to twin teenage girls and a four year old son, I was the lowest I have ever been. Everything to be grateful for, but my light had been dimmed to the point that I didn’t want to go on." See more
Thekla says, "To be in the Divine - being One with the Divine - I have no human words to describe this experience. Bernice is a true Goddess in human form, supporting with love, sensitivity and understanding." See more