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ONLINE: Group Check-in

5.006 reviews
April 3, 2025

About this Retreat

Details of this retreat

Join us online to strengthen connections. This experience is open to anyone, whether you've been to The Haven before or are new to our community. Now more than ever, we need to create ways to open our hearts and minds, to ourselves, to one another, and to the world.

Are any of these statements true for you?  

I sometimes feel isolated and alone.
I benefit from communicating what I'm feeling out loud.
It's important to me to be heard and acknowledged.
I value accessible opportunities to continue my personal growth.
Hearing about other people's experiences helps me feel connected.
I am interested in meeting others in the Haven community and building relationships.
I enjoy connecting with other people; sharing what's going on for me and listening too.
I want to learn more about the Haven or practice the skills I've learned.
I appreciate a regular time when I can access support and connection online
I benefit from reminders and accountability to check in with myself and prioritize my wellbeing.

If you said “yes” to any of the above, check-ins may be a perfect opportunity to connect with yourself, others, and The Haven.


"I have attended the Haven online check ins many times and always find them beneficial. I love seeing everyone's faces and connecting with like minded souls. I feel heard and seen and love seeing and hearing others share. It's great practice on how I want to be connected in my everyday relationships. The Haven has changed my life I am very grateful for all the online events the Haven offers in these times when we cannot physically be together." - Libby, Online Check-in participant

Check-ins are run by a generous group of volunteers - Faculty, Assistants, and Interns who want to support our community. Since March of 2020, we've had over 5000 registrations for these pay-what-you-can offerings.

Every other week we meet for 90 minutes. Many of our participants join every week and some drop in when they can. We're always inviting and welcoming people who are new to check-ins or to the Haven.

The majority of the session is spent in small groups where participants share what's going on for them and listen to others. We meet briefly at the beginning for movement and a Land Acknowledgement before splitting into groups of 5-6 people. We close together with a song and any Haven announcements.

Note: These check-ins are not typical Haven programs with teaching models and demonstrations. The focus is on group sharing and leaders do their best to ensure time and space for each participant. Check-ins are not group therapy nor are they a replacement for counselling.


Alternating Thursdays, 6:30 - 8pm PT

Participants are welcome to join after 6:15pm PT to settle in, test their device and Zoom connection, and access IT Support.


"I am finding the online check-ins at the Haven to be extremely helpful in connecting with others. It is a safe place and I look forward to it every week I love watching everyone go through their own spiritual path in finding a way there with the help of the leaders." - Lisa, check-in participant

Pay what you can: 
We know these are challenging times and if you have the means to help us support you - we appreciate it. These valuable contributions together with our volunteer leadership team have supported hundreds of people to access these check-ins without cost being a barrier. Anything you can afford will help us continue to offer this service. Thank you!

We place the value of this offering at $15-20 and if you have the means to pay full price, we appreciate it. We also have a $5-10 Community option for people who would be stretched to pay full price. And if any cost would be a barrier for you to attend, please e-mail for a full discount code.

Technical requirements:
This online check-in will be hosted on Zoom, a video conferencing software that is free for participants and easy to use on a variety of devices. You will need to have a device (desktop computer or laptop recommended; tablet or smartphone can work too), reliable internet connection, and sound capabilities (headset recommended; built in or external microphone or speaker systems can work too). You can test your device connection and compatibility in advance here:

You will be invited to join the call up to 15 minutes early to receive technical support.

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Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

2nd time
Experiential, universal, revelational about relational and self knowledge. Skilled experienced facilitators. Both times I’ve gone it has left me with deep connections in a short time and I continue to stay I. Touch with those co-participants. Food is hearty, delicious, and plentiful. Grounds are peaceful. I look forward to my next course and my next reunion with newfound friends. Read More

Our 15 year old son just completed Teens Alive (1-3) for the second time, and loved it. The environment is so nurturing and transformative - I really can't say enough about how grateful I am to have this program as a support during these years when parenting can be TOUGH. Our son is navigating high school with confidence, and making mature and thoughtful decisions - we definitely see him process his experiences in a new way and love what we are seeing. His communication with us is more open and productive, and we look forward to him navigating the rest of his teen years with his hands on the reigns. He is looking forward to next year's program and has plans to become an intern in the future as well. Read More

Giving Voice
The Haven is beautifully set on the waterfront on Gabriola Island. I wasn't sure what to expect at this workshop. I was hoping I would find more confidence in using my voice as I have been confident in speaking in public but deathly afraid of singing in public! What I found was a very safe space to explore making all kinds of sound from humming and babble to overtone chanting and yes...singing. Leah was an excellent and gentle guide and the acoustics of our meeting space were amazing. I would recommend The Haven for anyone wanting to get away from their regular routine and explore their inner world. I will go back for more! Read More

Imagine 2019
A wonderful opportunity to meet like minded people and to participate in goal setting activities for The |haven and for myself. Read More

Journey to Self
Great Journey to the very centre of myself. I love all the Haven programs and this one was amazing, too. Read More

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