sawa says, "I was not completely sure, what I would be experiencing and how I would feel from it. In fact, I could have a peaceful retreat included delicious lunches, wonderful people and unforgettable conversation with my spiritual guides though hypnosis sessions." See more
Grace says, "Previous to Sinchi Runa I have been to two other retreats in Europe and by far my experience with Sinchi Runa was the most amazing on all levels and by a huge margin." See more
Karuna says, "Thanks for sharing the medicine with us :-)" See more
Elena says, "This man have so much knowledge and compassion. He'll gudie you when you're lost and helps you when you're scared. Thank You!" See more
Anonymous says, "I was expecting to have an interesting time during this retreat with perhaps some insight and introspection on my life. I received a complete rebirth of my consciousness and a vital injection of purpose, joy and love into my essence." See more
Špela says, "Zelo profesionalno, prav čuti kaj doživljaš in skozi kakšne spirale duše se vsak trenutek giblješ. Neverjetno močen in priskoči na pomoč takoj, ko je potrebno." See more