A specially curated 5-day retreat to raise your sexual energy, find the way how to fully enjoy your body and learn the practical exercises for enhancing your sexuality in daily life.
Sexual energy is the most powerful energy; the high level of it leads to success in other aspects of life. Change your life for the better!
Attention! We welcome couples and women. Single men are welcome after an interview. The program is combined the way you could switch your mind off the routines, learn and experience useful things to raise the quality of your life, enjoy living in a beautiful typical Canary country house and taste nutritious healthy vegan food and make new friends - open-hearted soul mates from all over the world.
For whom?
Age: 18+
Languages: ENGLISH (as possible UKR, RUS)
Level: beginner, intermediate, advanced
Single persons and couples
The mini-group just 8-10 people
We start our program with practices which will help you understand your own wishes and limits, as well as get to know the other beautiful souls taking part in the retreats. The aim of this is to create an atmosphere of safety, support, freedom, and caring. Here you can be yourself and we'll support you in it.
Then we'll investigate together the stunning hidden spots of Tenerife, far from popular touristic routes. We'll enjoy the sunny, warm weather and swim at picturesque volcanic beaches.
After that we'll be practising individual, couple, and group meditations, doing the complex of physical and mental exercises to charge our body with sexual energy, open our hearts and minds, and find the solutions to many problems that appear to prevent us from the hedonistic way of life.
We'll do various tactile exercises to let you feel totally beloved; however, nothing can happen against your direct consent. Our main rule is "Yes" means "yes", "No" means "no".
We'll spend a lot of time outdoors in a close and cosy countryside garden next to the house where we live, and visit some secret spots of Tenerife.
We provide 3 healthy vegan meals daily at the spot, which are sustainable and nutritious. If you have an allergy to some food or require gluten-free food, inform us, please.
We'll finish our journey with a beautiful festivity of tactility, body freedom, love, and hedonism to praise the transformations that happened to us and the sexual energy we've fulfilled with.
The last day is the day of closing the circle.
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