Sarah says, "A beautiful winter weekend. The hearth, the kitchen was so abundant with Maria making clean, delicious dishes. Esther turned all that good energy into awareness with the full schedule of breath work and yoga." See more
Erica says, "I am two days out of my retreat with Namchi Bazaar at Hollyhock and am amazed at how that retreat continues to inform my daily life. Not only am I more aware of my alignment, but I am bringing more awareness and relaxation to muscles I habitually tense." See more
Julian says, "The Haven is beautifully set on the waterfront on Gabriola Island. I wasn't sure what to expect at this workshop. I was hoping I would find more confidence in using my voice as I have been confident in speaking in public but deathly afraid of singing in public! What I found was a very safe space to explore making all kinds of sound from humming and babble to overtone chanting and yes." See more
Lori says, "Basking indeed! This course was a week of soul satisfying poetry reading and enriching conversation skillfully facilitated by Tim Scorer. I laughed, cried, learned, and was moved by the power of words from a diversity of poets and participants." See more
Valeria says, "It was a great opportunity to complete Level IV online. The zoom format worked perfectly and although we were not physically together, it still gave us a sense of being in community." See more