Ashly says, "This was the first retreat I have ever attended (never the less alone), I definitely dove way out of my comfort zone. However when I arrived, I instantly formed deep connections with all who were attending along with the gracious hosts’ Frankie, Frank & David." See more
Mike says, "I’m returning home today after an amazing visit with Juan, Xenia, Patrik, Sadi and our group. We now have a bond for life that is embedded in time. If someone tried to tell me what to expect coming here, I might have said “what, really?” All I can say is, have no expectations because it cannot be put into words." See more
Rene says, "Dr. G is very welcoming and knowledgeable about different types of medicine. Having him as a guide was wonderful because when I came back from my toad ritual, I remember him shaking his head in agreement as if he already knew what was going through my mind! I was looking for grounding and definitely received it after coming back from my journey." See more
Anonymous says, "Bernice and her team are exceptional and caring and present with each participant. I could not have asled for a better experience." See more