Jediah-X says, "I'm honored to share the unbelievable transformation and life-changing metamorphosis I have been consciously living with due to the space-holding of Beloved Brother Troy and Beloved Sister Jo." See more
Francis says, "If you are looking for a well organized, well trained and safe retreat….. don’t pass up Reunion. We had a great experience here. We did the 7-day Aya retreat." See more
Jeffrey says, "What a life-changing experience- I feel like a different person!! I l left with a new understanding, of myself, and a completely positive outlook on life. My perspective has shifted, 180 degrees." See more
Anonymous says, "I had no idea what to expect but this experience with Jacqui and her staff was way more than I could have imagined. From her professionalism and knowledge, to her nurturing and guidance." See more
Ellie says, "I recently had the good fortune of attending a retreat with InwardBound in Costa Rica with Rob Coffey as Facilitator/Guide. The location was perfect as we were situated in a house, not far from the ocean." See more
Maaike says, "I have been coming to PachaMama for the past 4 years and it’s been a very good experience. I’ve done a lot of woman’s workshops and can truly say my life changed after all these experiences." See more
James says, "Elegant, spiritual and spirited. Compassionate, caring, authentic, highly intelligent and inspiring, loving, and so so supportive. Her grace and devotion are simply contagious." See more