Sivapathasunderam says, "Was apprehensive of going because of my health conditions and reserved only for two nights. Regret that very much as I wished I stayed longer. The staff are very understanding, attentive to your needs and kind." See more
Jennifer says, "stunning, peaceful and inspiring grounds. minimalist, extra clean, and beautiful cabins fantastic food" See more
Anonymous says, "The Sanctuary Retreat Center is a special magical place and I’m deeply grateful for being able to experience it. My Personal Retreat was divine, filled with wonderful surprises and blessings." See more
Anonymous says, "Bernice was amazing! I had trust issues up to the day of our ceremony. My wife looked me dead in the eye and told me to have faith in the process and don't bring my baggage and bad energy." See more
Anonymous says, "I learned more about menopause this weekend than I ever had; I appreciated the honest conversations with a fantastic group of understanding women going through the same physical changes." See more
Gabriela says, "I am extremely grateful I had the opportunity to take part in this retreat. The retreat offered a well organized program that seamlessly integrated various holistic practices, including meditation, yoga, and mindfulness sessions." See more