Fernando says, "From the moment you first see Alfonso’s face you realize what a nice person he is. He exudes love and caring, which is essential when putting yourself in the hands of a facilitator." See more
Anonymous says, "Beautiful enviroment, excellent food, freindly, supportive and knowledgeable staff, safe comfortable, clean rooms with good water pressure an hot water and a/c. Perfect temperature in shaded jungle." See more
Alex says, "Excellent experience with Priyananda and Kala" See more
Alessandra says, "I am so very grateful for the work that Aurora, Carolina ( she worked so and to find is the best Ceremony for us ) and her dedicated team for the important role they have played in my journey of self discovery." See more
Ashly says, "This was the first retreat I have ever attended (never the less alone), I definitely dove way out of my comfort zone. However when I arrived, I instantly formed deep connections with all who were attending along with the gracious hosts’ Frankie, Frank & David." See more
Stephanie says, "I am still talking about my experience with everyone! This was my very first time sitting with Ayahuasca and Kambo and it was a very safe space and great experience." See more