Selin says, "I am beyond glad I did the Shamanic Rebirth with Jack and get to meet this amazing couple. I also did some volunteering and it was absolutely wonderful to spend some time with both Jack and Zz." See more
Natalie says, " Hollyhock's virtual Activate Summit was a much needed breathe of fresh air. The program gave me the chance to harvest and claim the long-forgotten power I have within, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded leaders to emerge - as an individual and as part of a community - able to shape the future, inwards out." See more
alison says, "Thank you so much Amma and Jason for creating such an amazing retreat location. Your dedication and attention to the small details provides your guests with a truly enriching environment." See more
Lexi says, "Linda was amazing, thoughtful, kind, wise, knowledgeable, and funny! " See more