Ashly says, "This was the first retreat I have ever attended (never the less alone), I definitely dove way out of my comfort zone. However when I arrived, I instantly formed deep connections with all who were attending along with the gracious hosts’ Frankie, Frank & David." See more
Janet says, "The retreat was very well organized. The place was beautiful and peaceful, food was great. At all times I felt safe and supported to go on this journey. " See more
Anonymous says, "I had a lovely experience and valued the subtleties of the ayahuasca experience in an amazing setting with facilitator Agustina. As a 58 year old woman I enjoyed exploring and deepening my relationship with the great Mother earth." See more
Anonymous says, "I’m so glad that I decided to visit Arkana in the Jungle! It was definitely an experience worth having. The facilities were great and the people there are the best." See more
Traci says, "Originally came here to find my sense of purpose. But I received so much more. Mother Aya helped me work on some old traumas that I had been avoiding. After each ceremony I would feel more and more at peace." See more