Katie says, "I had the honor of experiencing a beautiful weekend at the Bayul retreat center. The moment I drove onto the property, my soul felt as it had arrived. The lodge, where I stayed had a cozy feel and my room felt like a home away from home." See more
Anonymous says, "First time attending such a retreat, everyone was so inviting and caring. You get a sense of true compassion and empathy. The group facilitators were were very kind and professional, and took their roles as healers very seriously and passionately, highly recommend" See more
Kay says, "This was my first retreat and I could not have asked for a better first experience. The beauty of the entire expansion of property including the St. Vrains Creek, comfort of the lodge and bed, food that completely blew away my expectations, the silence that calmed my chattering mind, and the wonderfully skilled and compassionate teachers warrant this review 5+ stars if I could give that rating." See more