YELENA says, "If you are looking for a place to unwind and grow spiritually while eating the best food this place is for you. Brand-new beautiful facility, super friendly stuff and relaxing atmosphere - I don’t know the better way to spend a weekend." See more
Shannon says, "It was a short trip, just 2 days and nights, but it shifted me in a new direction. I really enjoyed the morning and evening Satsang, the vegetarian food was such a nourishing treat (and 2 meals daily was plenty), the yoga was very relaxing to the nervous system and I could tap into the subtle energy shifting in me." See more
Katherine says, "I really enjoy visio divina and spiritual tools provides the opportunity to participate in this special form of community. Entering the metaphorical labyrinth of Spiritual Tools allows me to let art speak to me of God and who God is calling me to be in the world." See more
Mandar says, "As I checked into the reception for my 3 day yoga retreat, I felt a deep spiritual vibe. I felt it everywhere over the 3 days of my Bhakti yoga retreat at the Sivanand Yoga Ranch." See more
James says, "Recently my wife and I experienced an all to brief retreat at the Osage Forest. The setting is ideal for a personal retreat. Paths, a labyrinth, Zen Garden, meditation (group or otherwise), comfortable accommodations, delicious food, an extensive library, it's all there for a retreatant to embark on a personal journey." See more
Martin says, "Yay for Clear Sky! My Clear Sky experience was like a long lost brother returning to the fold. I was welcomed as though I had never left. Never have I felt more as though the Clear Sky bonding ever waivered - the return was seamless." See more
Lori says, "This retreat serves it's purpose wonderfully. Valerie and Ira truly do everything possible to see that you are comfortable and receive all the services you are looking for." See more