Jordan says, "Where to begin? I visited Heart Wellness at the end of April for my first experience of plant medicine, booking it the week before on a spontaneous decision. I went into the experience having not done a lot of research as I didn't want to have too high expectations going into it, but what I can tell you wholeheartedly is that I honestly ended up having the greatest, life changing experience of my life." See more
Lisa says, "Dearest Kasham, thank you so much for this wonderful and very deep experience. I have been wanting to try magical mushrooms for a long time now and so glad I found your offer and joined the ceremony." See more
Kitti says, "One week with Bianca and Jose (Samadhi Journeys) and my whole world has changed: The way I look at others. The way I talk to myself. The way others see me. There is something wonderful about how the oriental world, the plant medicines, the care about our current society, and the indigenous culture connect through their sessions not just spiritually but mentally and physically as well." See more
Mariusz says, "A reliable organization with great facilitators. Would recommend it! " See more
Anonymous says, "It wasn´t my first Ayahuasca experience, but definitely my deepest and most beautiful one. Mother Ayahuasca is really honored by the facilitators Rindos Aguas, Terra Mai, Rana Sagrada and Josué in wonderful ceremonies and the participants can feel safe in every situation." See more