Sarah says, "It was perfect! The villa We stayed in was beautiful and had everything we need. The organisers really went above and beyond to make sure all our needs were met." See more
Alex says, "Excellent experience with Priyananda and Kala" See more
Yolanda says, "Thank you Yandara for creating a space of community & healing. Simply beautifull. Looking forward to see you soon X" See more
Chrystin says, "Words just don’t reach— this experience was absolutely transformative in ways I could never have imagined. Beautiful food from Marco, beautiful insights and teaching w Pema, beautiful meditations, incredibly powerful breath work and yoga sessions w Camila & Laura— I’m so grateful to everyone, including my 4 retreat companions, gorgeous energy, im just filled with awed gratitude!" See more
Danielle says, "I have experienced MANY huachuma (along with other plant medicine) ceremonies, but Theo and Gary take this healing medicine to another level. The structure of the day is absolutely perfect, with plenty of time for contemplation, solitude and deep connection with the medicine and nature." See more
Anonymous says, "I had an incredible experience at Casa Om and loved everything about this retreat. A beautiful place with incredible food, amazing hosts and unique healing experiences." See more
Megan says, "The experience at this retreat was life changing in the best way possible. It was really beautiful to see the variety in everyones experience. I felt big strides of healing and it was lovely to watch the same in everyone else along side me! A beautiful process." See more
Maelene says, "I just finished my 7 day retreat with Gaia Sagrada and wow, what a wonderful experience. The whole trip was beautifully thought out and I felt very secure and safe." See more