Sarah says, "A beautiful winter weekend. The hearth, the kitchen was so abundant with Maria making clean, delicious dishes. Esther turned all that good energy into awareness with the full schedule of breath work and yoga." See more
Tony says, "Clear Sky is a beautiful meditation center where I love to go regularly. I find it necessary to go there and refresh and heal each year." See more
Natalie says, " Hollyhock's virtual Activate Summit was a much needed breathe of fresh air. The program gave me the chance to harvest and claim the long-forgotten power I have within, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded leaders to emerge - as an individual and as part of a community - able to shape the future, inwards out." See more
Cameron says, "The combo of stunning maloka, nourishing food, breathtaking views and cedar hot tub makes the Sentinal my go to local retreat center. Just having landed home, I'm already planning my trip back! Thanks Dustin for making us all feel at home and being so attentive to our needs." See more
Ronald says, "Our family from far and wide, had a reunion the second week of July 2018 at the Naramata Centre at Naramata BC with some of us camping and the rest of us in the motel style accommodations." See more
Olivia says, "I hugely benefited from learning new communications models at the Haven. I feel received and empowered around myself and my emotions and can now communicate them effectively." See more
Valeria says, "It was a great opportunity to complete Level IV online. The zoom format worked perfectly and although we were not physically together, it still gave us a sense of being in community." See more
Doug says, "At first I found the routine quite difficult, but like other retreats, I was settled in by day two. Fairly repetitive which is no coincidence. I was lucky enough to have 5 days there and even though the huge hours put in daily and the five thirty wake up, I had far more energy than usual." See more