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Drop of nectar essence
A special fasting and purification retreat with Buddha Avalokiteshvara
This traditional Nanyungne retreat, based on the practice of Nectar Essence Drop, is an ideal opportunity to purify our body, speech and mind through meditation, prayers and fasting.
Following the custom of the Kadampa centers, we hold this retreat around April 15th, Buddha's enlightenment day, a date of great spiritual significance.
What does the retreat consist of?
For two days, we take the eight Mahayana precepts in the morning and participate in three daily sessions of the eleven-faced Buddha Avalokiteshvara sadhana.
🔹 Day 1: Only one meal is taken at noon.
🔹 Day 2: Complete fasting (no eating or drinking for 24 hours) is kept.
If someone does not wish to do the complete fast, he may participate in the second day's sessions if he has taken the precepts that morning.
“This special fasting and purification practice is very powerful for purifying harmful physical, verbal and mental karma, and for pacifying intense mental disturbances, such as attachment and hatred. In addition, it is a special method for receiving blessings and enhancing our experiences of love, compassion and bodhichitta.”
- Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Gyatso Rinpoche, Drop of nectar essence
✅ Se recomienda asistir a la introducción, ya que durante el retiro no se ofrecen explicaciones ni meditaciones guiadas.
✅ Durante las mañanas del sábado y domingo guardaremos silencio hasta las 12:30h.
✅ El retiro comienza con una sesión especial el viernes a las 16:30h, en la que purificamos el entorno limpiando el centro, una práctica significativa para preparar la mente.
Este retiro es una maravillosa oportunidad para profundizar en la compasión, la pureza y la devoción, fortaleciendo nuestra conexión con Buda Avalokiteshvara y nuestro propio potencial de amor y bodhichita.
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