Our premiere healing retreat is a four week Healing Empowerment Course, a program designed to provide the right tools to take your healing process into your own hands. Course participants spend 4 weeks at the Riosbo Ayahuasca Research Center (plus 2 days in Iquitos) and attend 11 ayahuasca ceremonies led by a Shipibo maestro and our assistant healers. What we have discovered after ten years of offering retreats and educational courses is that the more a person can engage and participate in the healing process, the higher the potential for healing benefits.
This healing retreat and educational course is the culmination of our developments in offering the optimal opportunity for healing on all levels. By providing a deep understanding of the methodologies and practices of healing with plant spirits and consciousness enhancement, we feel confident that this course will create a new path of empowerment for each participant to become his/her own healer. In addition to the ayahuasca ceremonies, participants also receive personalized treatments and practice integrative techniques that enhance the power of the plant medicines by cleansing and purifying the inner environment of perceptions, beliefs, and subconscious messaging. By blending the sacred ancestral traditions with modern discoveries in holistic health, the healing empowerment course allows you to truly replant your spirit.
Ayahuasca Ceremony
Ayahuasca ceremonies have a unique quality to provide the power to play an active role in the healing process and this course teaches principles and methods to enhance that power. Complementary traditions will also be taught to further enhance the ability to regain and maintain health and happiness on all levels. Ultimately, we all walk our own paths, we all live our own lives, and we can all take responsibility for how we react to our environments and experiences. The way we react has the greatest influence over our perceptions and it is those perceptions that determine our realities. By learning to connect with spirit guides and plant allies, understand our true nature, and forgive and love ourselves completely, we create the optimal environment for health and happiness to grow and blossom in our lives. That is the purpose of the healing empowerment course.
During these courses, participants receive numerous medicinal plant treatments according to the Shipibo healing treadition and the prescription of the Shipibo curandero, don Ronor. Don Ronor also teaches various aspects of the Shipibo tradition, like the use of mapachos and agua florida, healing songs called icaros, techniques like soplando y chupando, and recipes for specific plant based remedies. The assistant healers describe each treatment, its purpose and effect, translate each discussion and workshop, and lead the integrative practices in between the ayahuasca ceremonies.
Together, the Ayahuasca Foundation's staff provides a complete holistic healing experience combined with an in depth education on Shipibo plant medicine and personal health and happiness. We feel strongly that this course represents the future of medicine, where we all accept and embrace our role as our own healer and the leader of our own healing process.
Methodologies and Practices
Integrative activities to enhance the healing
> Therapeutic Breathwork: a powerful progression of breathing techniques combined with selected music can expand consciousness and activate an innate healing process towards harmony and wholeness. As a continuation of treatment with plant medicine, this work provides opportunities for deep exploration of the self.
> Epigenetic Reprogramming: an incredible set of practices that target and release deep seated traumas and negative thought patterns. By enhancing control over our reactions to our internal and external environments, we can better guide the expression of our genetics towards health, harmony, and happiness.
> Guided Meditation: one of the most effective methods for mental discipline and focus, meditation is a practice that demonstrates the true power of the consciousness and its influence on our lives. With guidance in particular thought paths and perspective, inner environments can be upgraded to nourish the healing process.
> Life Coaching: creating intentional change in life helps with knowing who you are and discovering the fullest potential for yourself. Discover new perspectives about yourself, and design your own best ways of living, with inquiry processes and guiding frameworks for an integrative understanding personal choices and life transitions.
Healing Benefits
Participants will have natural plant treatments and therapies every day of this course, accompanied by workshops and discussions covering a wide variety of topics within the Shipibo healing tradition as well as cutting edge integrative practices from other cultures around the world. After four weeks in the jungle, twelve ayahuasca ceremonies, numerous plant treatments, and a progressive series of workshops, lectures, discussions and activities that demonstrate the path to healing empowerment, participants return to Iquitos feeling refreshed and ready to take their health and life in their own hands.
Once participants return to Iquitos, they will have time to decompress and process their experiences in the jungle, and to enjoy the beauty and culture of the Amazon Rainforest. Our staff will assist with travel plans, shopping trips, advice, and anything else we can provide to make the experience more beneficial. We continue to stay in contact with all of our retreat participants via email and social media to provide further support and guidance after the retreat.
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