Insight Vipassana Silent Meditation Retreat is a golden opportunity to meet your true self and cultivate inner peace, conscious action and mindful thought.
Dive into an ancient method of meditation - pristinely simple in principle and profoundly transformative in application.
Live in silence for a few days in a picturesque natural location with a clean fresh air in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding National Beauty. Give yourself a digital detox: turn off the phone and take a break from the information flow and endless affairs and tasks. Establish a healthy daily routine and diet in harmony with nature and the sun's cycles. Get better: nourish your body with a healthy, nutritious plant based diet, prepared with love, with many vegetables and herbs grown organically at the walled gardens of Hardwick Estate. Slow down: immerse yourself into plenty of quality, distraction-free time to listen to your inner voice and reflect on your life.
The program of the retreat will include sitting mindfulness meditation as well as dynamic walking meditation practice. Silence is observed for 5 full days. Daily Hatha yoga asana supports the body in its mental and emotional endeavours, unlocking bodily blocks and releasing tension.
Use this time of solitude, supported by your conscious community and expert facilitators, to devote yourself to intense practice, deep learning, and creativity.
Carefully and thoughtfully curated ancient techniques in this soulful gathering on the banks of the river Thames will enable you to shed outer layers of stress and strife, revealing your pure nature within.
Essentially, Vipassana mindfulness meditation is a system of exercises designed to train the mind, just as the gym is designed to train the body. The practice of mindfulness calms the mind, improves concentration, develops memory and attention, and develops the skill of awareness and presence in the moment of now.
Coming on a retreat like this can facilitate:
- Helping to let go of the burden of regrets about the past, worries, negative emotions
- The cultivation of an equal, objective and impartial attitude to what is happening
- Developed emotional intelligence, empathy and compassion for oneself and others
- Reduced stress and anxiety levels
- Fewer fears and obsessive or compulsive thoughts
- A clear and calm mind
- Improved awareness and consciousness of the body
- Developed presence in the moment and attentiveness to everyday activities
- Lessening of identifying with emotional states
- Less habitual and mindless reactivity to your environment
- Cultivation of patience and thoughtfulness of action
- Greater acceptance of life in its entirety and acceptance of one’s own life
The Vipassana technique is a meditation of observation, awareness and wisdom.. It is an ancient form of meditation which has been passed on through monastery lineages for thousands of years. It is one of the most simple, but most profound methods of meditation to be found.
There are a few different ways of teaching this technique. On this retreat, we will be following the teaching style practiced in some of the oldest monasteries in the world, by including dynamic walking meditation in addition to seated postures, to help inform the Vipassana practice. We will also be incorporating daily yoga sessions, specifically designed to prepare the body for sitting in meditation - building flexibility and strength so you can focus on your meditation without being distracted by too much physical discomfort.
The Vipassana method comes directly from the Satipatthana Sutta - The Foundations of Mindfulness - a discourse attributed directly to the Buddha. It is a universal technique which does not come with any pre-requisite requirement of any religious or spiritual allegiance. On the retreat there are no rituals, ceremonies or required reading of religious literature. It is a beautiful and transformative technique which can be practiced by those of any religion, without confliction, and practiced by those with no religion at all. Whatever form your spirituality takes and to whatever degree, there is room to apply this technique and feel the benefit.
All levels of practitioner are welcome - if you have never meditated or done yoga before you will be introduced to the fundamental technique which underlies all others. Experienced meditators will find sincere practice in gorgeous surroundings, enabling states of deep consciousness.
The cost of participation in the retreat consists of two parts:
1 - organisational fee - to cover the basic price of accommodation and food for the participant.
2 — donation — for the retreat program itself.
It is important for Vipassana to be offered for donation, and not provided to generate private financial gain. This is the purest and most karmically beneficial path. The donation aspect allows both the organisers and the participants to show pure and sublime intentions.
As organisers and teachers of the retreat, we offer the teaching in the spirit of selfless service. Giving the gift of this meditation is a beautiful thing, and one we are honoured to have the opportunity to facilitate. There is great bliss in bringing this knowledge to others, purely for the benefit of each individual and for humanity as a whole.
As participants in the retreat, there is the opportunity to touch knowledge without a consumerist expectation. As only the basic costs have been covered, going into the retreat the expectation of input from the organisers is only to provide this basic service, and then the exchange is equalised. Whatever occurs above that is at the discretion of the participant. It means that you yourself, based on the results of the retreat, have the right to evaluate how valuable the experience was for you and show adequate generosity for yourself so as not to devalue your experience.
There will be opportunity for you to make whatever donation you feel moved to give at the end of the retreat.
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