Gentle Yoga is ideal for elder students as well as those with weight issues, illness, injury, recovering from surgery or limited flexibility. Due to poor lifestyles and chronic stress, many students come to yoga unable to safely practice the postures. In keeping with the principle of ahimsa (nonviolence), teachers will learn to teach how to modify the asanas so that their students can benefit from a physical practice as they build the strength and resilience to perform the full postures.
This course is designed to help yoga teachers evaluate limitations in their students and suggest modifications of the poses for them. These will include routines for those who need to practice in a chair. We will have the participants experience the modifications themselves in class as well as learn them in more detail in workshops. These workshops will also include discussions on the philosophy and psychology of teaching gentle yoga.
Thursday - Arrival
Friday to Sunday
8:00 - 10 am - Gentle Yoga Class
2 - 4pm - Workshop: the philosophy and psychology of Gentle Yoga
TTC Graduate is required
Certificate is provided after completion
I appreciate the gentle yoga because I receive more direction to pay attention to what I am capable of doing, being gentle with myself, I learn alternative ways of doing each asana or stretch offered and feel more of a sense of community in the gentle class environment. Barbara S., 69
I have been doing gentle yoga for two years now. Six months after my failed back surgery, I was in worse pain than before. I started going to gentle yoga classes one day a week and now go three times a week. The benefits are many. The less vigorous class with modified poses in gentle yoga enable me to carry out most of the poses with ease. It has taught me balance, relaxation and meditation and improved my memory and concentration. Learning how to relax through breathing exercises has taught me to fall back to sleep whenever I wake up in the middle of the night and to get rid of headaches. It is amazing how the power of gentle yoga has enabled me to do the things I love to do, without which I would have been afraid to do because of my chronic pain. Julie A., 60
At 72, I strive to age competently. A major practice to that end is gentle yoga-for strength, flexibility and relaxation three essentials to ensure my lifes continuing high quality. Asana modifications, based on individual students' limitations, are demonstrated, supervised and encouraged. Without this feature, given my age and condition, I would not be able to experience the benefits of yoga. Paula L., 72
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