Fascinating to learn from/with Maria--and see her teach!
Maria is a dynamic teacher and has such an engaging personality--she can be positively mesmerizing when speaking passionately about insights from personality types. She clearly wants to help each person improve and achieve their greatest potential. In thinking of her now, I immediately think of her laughing as she has a deep, genuine laugh that makes others want to laugh right alongside her. I laughed so hard I cried at one point.
Some of my favorite insights shared were a peek into her own life and world view, sharing her incredible stories. She is open to adapting her teaching to each learner (which I greatly appreciated.) She has an "ask me anything" approach to help participants maximize their time. And when I did, I asked her about her personal practice of prayer...which I have been following since. There are many people who would not have felt comfortable being asked such a personal question, but her openness, and her own personal practices and spirituality, have really helped me reconnect with God. Although I received so many useful tools and meaningful experiences on this trip, this unplanned/not on the itinerary reconnection with God was probably the greatest. I also want to be clear that she was not proselytizing--I asked her because she personally radiates such a deep personal faith. We come from different religious traditions, and she was very welcoming of our differences. The practice she shared with me would work for almost anyone.
Maria was very generous with her time--dropping gems here and there throughout our meals together as well as in our 1:1 sessions that stretched well beyond the "hour" that one might be receive in other retreats. Our final session was only cut short by my own illness. Although talking late in to the night, she very generously would have continued...as I wish I could have.
I am very grateful I had the opportunity to learn from/with Maria! Read More
Some of my favorite insights shared were a peek into her own life and world view, sharing her incredible stories. She is open to adapting her teaching to each learner (which I greatly appreciated.) She has an "ask me anything" approach to help participants maximize their time. And when I did, I asked her about her personal practice of prayer...which I have been following since. There are many people who would not have felt comfortable being asked such a personal question, but her openness, and her own personal practices and spirituality, have really helped me reconnect with God. Although I received so many useful tools and meaningful experiences on this trip, this unplanned/not on the itinerary reconnection with God was probably the greatest. I also want to be clear that she was not proselytizing--I asked her because she personally radiates such a deep personal faith. We come from different religious traditions, and she was very welcoming of our differences. The practice she shared with me would work for almost anyone.
Maria was very generous with her time--dropping gems here and there throughout our meals together as well as in our 1:1 sessions that stretched well beyond the "hour" that one might be receive in other retreats. Our final session was only cut short by my own illness. Although talking late in to the night, she very generously would have continued...as I wish I could have.
I am very grateful I had the opportunity to learn from/with Maria! Read More